Your All-In-One Chinese New Year Glow Guide

Here at Kinohimitsu, we're proud glow-chasers. We're huge fans of great skin and believe in comprehensive skincare routines that provide results, aka the elusive lit-from-within glow. 

Chase your own glow for the upcoming festive season with our handy, all-in-one guide to finding your complexion's own inner light. 

A Week Before Chinese New Year

Good skin doesn't magically appear overnight, so prepping a week or two prior to a big event makes all the difference. 

 Get your glow on with a peel pad!

Get your skin bright and ready by exfoliating with an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA).

Photo via Ellebyrd

We love the award-winning COSRX One Step Original Clear Pads for a brighter complexion. Each pad comes pre-soaked in a betaine salicylate and willow bark water solution to slough off dead skin cells without being too harsh on your skin. The result? Brighter skin for days (or at least till you need to exfoliate again), and better skincare results!

  • Mask away

  • If you’ve found yourself with no time to fit a facial in, DIY it! We love turning these DIY masking sessions into a beauty ritual with multiple steps for a full-scale spa experience.


    Start with cleansed skin and apply a mud mask to help soak up excess oil and curb that mid-day shine. To customise the masking experience, we love adding ingredient boosters to them. Think strawberries for exfoliation, charcoal powders for an intense cleanse and honey for moisturising magic. 

    Follow up with a moisturising sheet mask or two to replenish moisture and perk up your skin. To finish off, we love applying facial oils and doing a facial massage for circulation and anti-ageing benefits. 

    VIVI October 2014An easy-to-follow facial massage guide from Vivi Japan. Photo via Royal Quartz

    On Chinese New Year Day

    So you've got your glow, make the most out of your skin with these tips and tricks!

  • Prime Prime Prime
  • A flawless complexion doesn't come from layering on the makeup but with priming before applying your makeup!

    How primers work is that they sit on the surface of the skin to create a barrier between your skin and makeup. This barrier action blurs out pores, perfects the skin and allows your makeup to adhere to your skin better, giving an airbrushed sans the cake face.

    During the festive season, adding a primer to your routine will work wonders in extending the longevity of your makeup - a must-have for those days of non-stop visiting

  • Layer Your Products

  • Besides priming, layering on your products will extend the life of your makeup, keeping you looking your best from dawn to dusk. Cream and powder products such as cream eyeshadows and powders adhere to each other for maximum wear.

    Our tip? Layering on a cream eyeshadow in a neutral tone to use as a base, then layering on a sheer dusting of eyeshadows for a creaseproof look that’ll last all day.

    Charlene K
    Charlene K


    Charlene enjoys long walks to the fridge, makeup and emotional eating. A former journalism student and avid skincare nerd, you'll find her on the weekends reading up and writing about the properties of ceramides, acids and oils.

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